연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 Graduate Student Oral Session (I) (English)
발표장 제9회장
논문코드 1O9-9
발표일 2021-10-21
발표시간 16:10-16:25
논문제목 Single-step naked-eye detection of glucose based on biomarker-triggered quinone tanning reaction
발표자 이지수
발표자 소속 DGIST
저자 이지수, 홍선기
논문초록 We report a gelation-based bioassay for single-step, naked-eye detection of glucose in complexed bio-fluids. Quinone tanning is a chemical crosslinking reaction between oxidized catechols, also called quinones, and proteins, which is involved in the formation of biomaterials such as mussel adhesives and insect cuticles in nature. We previously found that quinone tanning reaction of catecholic precursors is triggered by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Therefore, we now employ another enzyme, glucose oxidase (GOx), that initiates the quinone tanning in biomarker-specific manner. As GOx only produces H2O2 in the presence of glucose, sol-gel transition of catechol-conjugated polymers could provide a direct read-out signal of glucose through naked-eye and the entire system can be equipped as a one-pot without any washing steps. In our model system, the detection limit of glucose in human serum was 10 mM, and it took about 30 minutes.